Mentorship for Newly Trained Doulas

Perinatal support mentorship program is open to newly trained doulas, upon completion of their doula training program. We will meet weekly, over Zoom, for a total of 12 hours, following which mentees will receive a certificate of completion, as well as opportunity for continued mentorship, consults and referrals.


  • Review stages of labor; optimal fetal positioning

  • Arriving at the hospital; setting up your supplies

  • Universal/standard precautions

  • Hazardous waste, used linen, chux pads, emesis basins

  • Bed controls

  • Becoming part of the team

  • Models of care (midwifery, obstetric, perinatology)

  • What does perinatal support look like in midwifery suites compared to regular labor & delivery suites?

  • Familiarity with the tools at hand; fetal monitor/Novii System, IV pole, saline lock, amni-hook, FSE, IUPC/amnio-infusion

  • How to unplug and re-plug monitor for bathroom and ambulating

  • IV pain meds (effects, timing)

  • Nitrous Oxide for analgesia

  • Epidural (traditional vs. combined spinal epidural), support with

  • Induction (reasons for; cervical ripening; support during)

  • Second stage labor (physiologic vs. coached)

  • Delayed cord clamping (facilitating communication regarding)

  • Physiologic third stage labor (facilitating communication regarding)

  • Family centered cesarean birth

  • Immediate postpartum and golden hour

  • Departing

  • Postpartum follow up

Cost: $250

If interested, please email or text or Text 949-500-0402